Throughout my Practicum and Student Teaching experiences, I have learned how to use tasking and transitions as classroom management strategies, how technology can be used to access prior knowledge and enhance new learning, and how valuable professional learning communities are to problem solve and develop new learning opportunities. Through reflecting on experiences myself, and asking for and applying feedback from my mentor and coordinating teacher, I have felt myself becoming a more engaging and effective teacher.

This page is meant to give viewers a sample of some of my lesson plans during my experience.

Lesson Plans

1)During a unit of To Kill a Mockingbird, students were able to learn more about the Civil Rights movement by doing a gallery walk, and re-reading “Blackbird” by the Beetles. This day was dedicated to giving students context for the publishing of Lee’s novel.

Context of Publishing To Kill a Mockingbird

2) Throughout this unit, we also studied different literary elements. This lesson focused on characterization. Students were able to identify elements of characterization in literature and in popular films like Inside Out, and The Aristocats. They were also able to compare differences in how a single character was portrayed in novel and film.

Characterization in Literature

3) To continue our study of literary devices, we studied theme in To Kill a Mockingbird in chapter 15. As a class, we broke down the differences in how the theme was communicated in the novel and in the film, modeling what they would be doing in their unit project.

Comparing Theme in Literature and Film